Category: F2011 ENGL205
205 Final Exam
Here is a PDF of the English 205 Final Exam as it will appear next week. Important differences between this document and the actual exam are in red type.
A3 Model Answers
In Fall 2010, A3 had the same instructions, but was about a different text (As You Like It). Its three essay questions are below, followed by links to answers by three students who got very good marks on the assignment, and agreed to let their work serve as models.
English 205: Assignment 3 (10%)
Due date: Thursday, December 8th, 2011 (in tutorial) Instructions Choose one of three essay questions, below, on Cymbeline. Then write one complete paragraph as an introduction, which clearly describes your argument and your methods, and culminates in an underlined thesis statement. (This is the only paragraph you will write.)
English 205: Assignment 2 (7.5%)
Due date: Thursday 17 November, in tutorial Your response must begin with an underlined thesis statement (a sentence stating your argument in clear, direct, and precise language). Remember, a valid argument can have a counter-argument. Listen to these three radio adaptations of Hamlet 2.2 (pages 38-55):
Terms for Close Reading
Here is a list of terms for close reading Shakespeare’s texts, with examples — mostly from As You Like It. I developed it with my RA Sarah Hertz, specifically for Exercise 2 in English 205 (Fall 2011). But it may come in handy for anyone doing close readings of early modern drama.
English 205 materials posted
I’ve now posted all of my Fall 2011 section of English 205 (Foundations: Shakespeare) course materials. You can start with the course home page, the course schedule [PDF], or with the blog posts on different components like the Twitter assignment, the in-class, exercises, the final exam, and so on. There’s also a PDF document of the nine…
English 205: Assignments (25%)
The course has three (3) assignments that you will write at home, to develop and demonstrate your skills more independently. Each will be discussed in lectures and tutorials, and each of their due dates is listed in the course schedule (A1, A2, A3). See my Submission Policy for the penalties for late submissions. If you…
English 205: Exercises (25%)
The course includes five (5) tutorial exercises to apply and practice the critical reading and writing skills you learn about in particular weeks. You will complete these exercises in five different tutorials, as noted in the course schedule (E1, E2, E3, E4, E5). In lectures, I will discuss each of these skills in detail. Your…
English 205: The Final Exam (25%)
The final exam will be two hours long; it will be scheduled by the Registrar. Students must be available for examinations up to the last day of the examination period. The exam will test your ability to apply the techniques of writing and criticism that we have developed throughout the course to As You Like…
English 205: The Twitter Assignment
Using twitter in English 205 will help me listen to your reactions to the course material, to make my teaching more responsive to your questions. My goal is to encourage you each to ask questions about Shakespeare, questions that will identify “trending topics” (as twitter calls them) in the class at large. I want to…